Rúzsa Magdi | Balázs János / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2025
The duo of Magdi Rúzsa and János Balázs is one of the most exciting artistic encounters in recent years. The intensity and complexity of classical music and the immediacy and freedom of pop music go to create a new genre that encompasses a wide range of emotions and musical ideas.
We are given a taste of the most diverse styles, from the chansons and music hall songs of the 1930s to the 1950s, through arrangements of classical music, to modern hits. We also get a glimpse into the personalities of the two artists, as well as into every quiver of their souls: what we see is unvarnished and inspired, as almost everything here is given an artistic form from the standpoint of simplicity and the beauty of improvisation.
Although the protagonists of the evening have achieved national fame in fields of music far removed from each other, they both believe that music is the lingua franca of mankind, that melodies, rhythms and lyrics have been with us for generations and play a crucial role in what we call a common experience of humanity.
Kökény Attila és Rakonczai Viktor nagyszabású koncerttel készül az MVM DOME-ban megrendezésre kerülő Kökény Attila 50. születésnapi eseményre.
Gulyás Attila, a Móricz Zsigmond Színház színművésze és Csernák Tibor Demjén Ferenc ikonikus szerzeményeit hozzák el a Bencs Villába.
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